Social Skills Program


The Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills — PEERS® is a globally recognized evidence-based social skills training program designed for individuals with autism or social challenges. Developed by Dr. Elizabeth Laugeson at UCLA, PEERS® caters to preschoolers, adolescents, and young adults seeking to develop and maintain close friendships and romantic relationships.

ucla peers

A unique perspective on social skills development

Led by certified instructors, our PEERS® program offers a unique perspective on social skills development, rooted in authenticity and practicality, ensuring engaging and effective learning experiences. Originally established in the United States, PEERS® has expanded its reach to over 150 countries and has been translated into numerous languages worldwide.

At Brainbow, we prioritize inclusivity and empowerment, providing a supportive environment for growth and learning. 


Duration: 16 weekly sessions for teens; 4 coaching sessions for guardian

Venue: Brainbow, Penang

Cost: For more information about costs, contact us at +60 16-536 0172

(10-12 years old)

PEER© for Junior

Dive into a world of social exploration with PEERS® (adapted) Junior, tailored for children aged 10 to 12. Through engaging activities and interactive sessions, our PEERS® juniors learn important social skills, getting better at connecting with others and feeling more confident in social situations.

(13-15 years old)

PEER© for Teen

Join PEERS® Teen, a program tailored for teens aged 13 to 15, using the PEERS® for Adolescent curriculum developed by the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at the University of California, Los Angeles. Through lively and interactive group sessions, our PEERS® teens engage in learning and practicing vital social skills, thus enhancing their social competency and readiness for social growth.

(18-24 years old)

PEER© for Senior

Join PEERS® Senior, designed for individuals aged 18 to 24, using the adapted PEERS® for Young Adults curriculum from the University of California, Los Angeles. In our lively group sessions, our PEERS® seniors delve into various aspects of social interaction, learning valuable strategies to navigate social situations with confidence and ease. 

What can my child learn from this program

  • How to use appropriate conversational skills
  • How to find common interests by trading information
  • How to appropriately use humor
  • How to enter and exit conversations between peers
  • How to handle rejection, teasing, and bullying
  • How to handle rumors and gossip
  • How to be a good host during get-togethers
  • How to make phone calls to friends
  • How to choose appropriate friends
  • How to be a good sport
  • How to handle arguments and disagreements
  • How to change a bad reputation

What can my child learn from this program

  • Have friendship/social problems
  • Teens must be interested in joining the program
  • Teens must join the program voluntarily
  • Teens must be able to commit to 16-session
  • Guardian must commit to 4 coaching sessions and support their teen’s learning at home


We typically conduct it once a year, based on demand. To kick-start the program, we require a minimum of 3 participants. If you’re interested, whatsapp us at +60 16-536 0172 and we’ll notify you when our next session begins.